Peace of Sky Art
Patricia Ritchie

This is Real

The Dunehaven Council
Book + Workbook

Leaf Salad
Notes from the Artist
Nature never disappoints us. Her unfathomable intricacies, never-ending display of textures, and time- sensitive evolution of colors always inspire me to look closely, listen and feel the beauty. I hope you enjoy these pastel images and they provide solace and joy.
Mother Nature imparts a vast array of lessons for those who study her beauty. The repeating patterns in sand, water, and clouds create a sense of unity, and the wind that sculpts and etches makes every moment a fresh visual and visceral experience. We are never alone in this world, for each of us has two mothers who form and teach us.
Reveling in Mother Nature’s colors and textures helps me feel I have a special place in this world.“Peace of Sky” artwork reflects many moods of our amazing Mother Nature. She weaves tapestries through wind, earth, water, and time, beckoning us to feel her power and enduring rhythms. As I respond to her mind-bending intricacies and vivid colors I try to portray the emotional yearning to be connected with her dance of life.